Over 300 students from all 12 Rutherford County high schools gathered at Blackman High School on April 2 for the 2019 Rutherford Works Senior Hiring Event. 55 employers met with aspiring candidates to discuss opportunities, engage in interviews, and provide insights into their industry job market. “I gave away 24 resumes and talked to about 26 employers,” beamed Oakland High School senior Jordan Simpson. “They asked me about my past experiences and to give responses to potential things that could happen at work. I have 7 follow-ups,” he continued.

Students who participated in the event worked with school leads to prepare for meeting employers by attending workshops focusing on interviewing skills, resume building, and dressing for success. “There are so many different jobs and everyone explained what those jobs do,” stated Javias Dye of Smyrna West. “There are opportunities available. I felt like I was seen as a person and could do something with my life,” added Jesus Valenzuela.

“Our 2019 event has yielded the best attendance to date,” noted Regina Ward, Rutherford Works Director of Education and Workforce Development. “This event is meant for all seniors in Rutherford County so they can secure employment that sets them up on a path for future success no matter if they are attending a four-year institution or entering the workforce immediately after high school graduation,” she affirmed. Full-time, part-time, and seasonal positions from five key workforce industries including manufacturing, health care, construction, information technology, and supply chain management were advertised. Additional industries present included child care, hospitality and retail, and military.

100% of students surveyed responded that the event should continue.